Logistics Planning for Port of Dover

Simply ‘being a port’ is no longer sufficient. Customers – whether importers and exporters, shipping lines or manufacturers – now demand complete logistics solutions from the ports they use.

Planning is well on the way for the Port of Dover. I hope it’s handled well, despite the politics involved. For ourselves and our clients, ease of transportation is of utmost importance.

port of dover developmentWhen you look at the development put into the port of Tibury, you can see why proper investment is going to be a huge economic boost for the area in the long run. The council worked with Total Logistics to design a £36 million expansion, built to service a 15-year import and distribution contract with Finnish paper giant Stora, specifically to support the area’s paper Import business.

Total Logistics sought to develop ‘fully intermodal facilities that can integrate the sea lanes with road, rail and air for easy access to foreign markets, end-users and consumers. Such ‘gateway’ port facilities need to be backed by professional warehousing, consolidation, re-packing, stock control and distribution expertise that deliver true just-in-time (JIT) supply capabilities and real-time control in a seamless, end-to-end service.’

Hopefully, the Dover Council will be as forward-thinking.

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